Hola Familia,
has been a good week. It seems that the Lord is really blessing our
family in Utah too. It really was a miracle that I have my wallet. The day we went
to go pick it up, Calvin was really kind and we shared with him a pass a
long card. He did not seem interested but said that if I know of any
good job to let him know. I have prayed for him very often. He is a
good and solid Chirstian and I expressed how grateful I was. I will be
sending him a card this week of gratitude. This week at church we had
six less actives attend which is a record for us. They have been great
and have put God first in their lives. We had Vilma, Hernan, Alex,
Jhony, Frankie and Caterlina attend church. They are coming back
strong. Vilma, Caterlina and Frankie are from Honduras and have strong
testimonies and was not hard to get them to church. Hernan is from El
Salvador and is slowly coming back to church. Jhonny is from Peru and
was actually converted in New York City. He has come the last three
Sundays and is close to be put in the active column. He has gone
through a lot and has a strong testimony of prayer and the atonement.
Lately I have had a hard time expressing my thoughts in Spanish during a
lesson and I always just have to go with the Gospel terms and the vocab I
know. It is mostly the grammar and when to conjugate but I have been
improving lately. In one lesson we were teaching, Alex just felt that
my Spanish just accelerated and was able to quote scripture and convey
what I felt I needed to say. For me that lesson was a powerful lesson
that I just needed to open my mouth with confidence and it will be
filled. Yesterday we taught Melvin at a members home. He has not
attended church for about a month because of work but we promised him that
if he prayed with faith to get work off on Sundays, the Lord will
prepare a way. We are excited for him. We also taught our recent new
investigators, Giovani and Jasenia. They are from Guatemala and are
living together. We read the introduction to the Book of Mormon and had
so many good questions and funny ones as well. They wanted to know in
depth what was the difference between the Lamanite and Nephite
civilization, It was a fun lesson. We have been mostly teaching less
actives this last week as well. Also, mom the volume on the speaker does
not turn down from the input device, so I was thinking if I could send
it back and get a speaker out here?? If not, that is ok. Let me know.
And could you also send some of those nature protein bars or any bars?
Thank you for all you do. I love you all so very much! I have been
learning so much and especially patience and love.
Elder Plummer