Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Vicky's Baptism was great!! "If the leaders are strong, the mission will be strong." Such a cool training by President Taggart

Vicky's Baptism was awesome!!!

Hello Family,
I cant believe that Dad has a short time left as bishop! I am glad the bishopric Christmas party went well. Vickys baptism went great. The night before she did not show up for her baptism interview because her dad forgot. We finally got a hold of her dad and said he could bring her in the morning. We did an emergency exchange with the zone leaders and they did the interview and she passed! The service went well and there was such a great spirit! Will not forget it. Tomorrow we are going to the Manhattan temple! I will let you know how it goes! Love you all!

Elder Plummer

Hola papi
Pues no ha nevado aqui tampoco. Qué chevere que Elder Perry vino a nuestra estaca! This is how our investigators are doing:
Natalia: We talked about her coffee addiction and really wants to give up coffee. She has been drinking coffee for over 50 years and is very dependent on it. We still are going to give her the coffee substitute and for now she is going to try to give it up. We got her for baptismal date for January 11th! She is really showing that she will prepare.
Andrea: We were contacting this complex building when we felt that we should try the basement. It looked old and beaten and we were a little scared to go in. But we knocked into this kind Salvadorian family. We asked if we could share a video called He is the Gift. They pulled it up on their smart phone and said it was beautiful. They invited us in and we introduced the BOM to them. They said they will read it. The video was perfect to bring in the spirit. We saw them a couple days later and we went into the lesson planning to teach the restoration. As we were having some small talk we both felt impressed to teach Plan of Salvation. They were all attentive. Andrea, Christian and his sister. We found out that Andrea was investigating our church down in El Salvador and has been wanting to keep investigating. The spirit is amazing!
Alejandro: We started reading 1 Nephi with him when he started to have an intense headache. He asked if we could come another time. We actually saw him today and gave him a blessing of healing. After he said he felt ok and explained to him that he needs to show his faith. We taught them the word of wisdom last time and we found out today that the wife and the children have stopped drinking coffee and Alejandro is slowing drinking less. It was great to hear!
Adriana: We had a good discussion on how we can know what is truth. We explained to her that the spirit plays a huge role along with study and prayer. We invited her for baptism on January 11 and said she is going to pray about it. Pray for her.
Yahoni: We read with her the whole introduction of the BOM with her. She really wanted to know what this book is about. The spirit just filled the room and asked how she felt. She responded that she felt peace. Such an amazing lesson.
Ramon: We went through the Word of Wisdom and Law of chastity with them. When we committed them to live the word of wisdom they said they would follow it without hesitation! Ramon though said he knows that this is right and said he is going to reduce his coffee drinking until he does not need it. This family is so ready to be baptized. They just need to attend church a couple more times and they are ready. We are excited for them.
Just want to share a quick story. The other night we went to this taco restaurant that a sister recommended. We went and as we were ordering the waitress stopped us and asked if we are Mormon missionaries. We said yes and said that she was meeting with missionaries back in El Salvador and was baptized and has been looking for the missionaries for a long time. She said that she has been feeling something is missing in her life. We found out she lives in New Jersey and gave the information to the missionaries down in Northern Jersey. It is so cool we found these two Salvadorians that were looking for us and how the Lord guided us to them.
It has been a humbling experience as District Leader. I have learned so much already. Last Friday I went to Leadership training and was such a great experience. President Taggart gave a great training on the importance of leadership. He said," if the leaders are strong, the mission will be strong." Such a cool training.
Well,  I love you all!
Elder Plummer

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